2020-10-20 03:37:11 +03:00

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command /mirricraft [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
description: MirriCraft
aliases: /mirri, /mc
executable by: players
if arg-1 is not set:
message "&7[&2MIRRICRAFT&7]&r Starting GUI"
wait 2 tick
open chest inventory with 3 row named "MirriCraft" to player
wait 1 tick
loop integers between 0 and 26:
format slot loop-integer of player with gray stained glass pane named "&7" to be unstealable
if player have permission "mirricraft.visit":
format slot 10 of player with filled map named "&2Visit" with lore "&o&fStatus: &2Enabled" to close then run [execute player command "/mirricraft visit"]
format slot 10 of player with filled map named "&2Visit" with lore "&o&fStatus: &4Disabled" to close then run [execute player command "/mirricraft visit"]
if player have permission "mirricraft.kits":
format slot 12 of player with chest named "&6Kits" with lore "&o&fStatus: &2Enabled" to close then run [execute player command "/mirricraft kits"]
format slot 12 of player with chest named "&6Kits" with lore "&o&fStatus: &4Disabled" to close then run [execute player command "/mirricraft kits"]
if player have permission "mirricraft.vip":
format slot 14 of player with nether star named "&eVIP" with lore "&o&fStatus: &2Enabled" to close then run [execute player command "/mirricraft vip"]
format slot 14 of player with nether star named "&eVIP" with lore "&o&fStatus: &4Disabled" to close then run [execute player command "/mirricraft vip"]
if player have permission "mirricraft.admin":
format slot 16 of player with diamond axe named "&5Admin" with lore "&o&fStatus: &2Enabled" to close then run [execute player command "/mirricraft admin"]
format slot 16 of player with diamond axe named "&5Admin" with lore "&o&fStatus: &4Disabled" to close then run [execute player command "/mirricraft admin"]
if arg-1 is "visit":
if player have permission "mirricraft.visit":
if arg-2 is not set:
message "&7[&2MIRRICRAFT&7]&r Visit - Starting Gui"
wait 2 tick
open chest inventory with 5 row named "MirriCraft - Visit" to player
wait 1 tick
loop integers between 0 and 44:
format slot loop-integer of player with gray stained glass pane named "&7" to be unstealable
format slot 11 of player with stone sword named "&fSurvival" to close then run [execute player command "/mirricraft visit survival"]
format slot 19 of player with diamond named "&fResources" to close then run [execute player command "/mirricraft visit survival_resources"]
format slot 20 of player with netherrack named "&fNether" to close then run [execute player command "/mirricraft visit survival_nether"]
format slot 21 of player with end portal frame named "&fEnd" to close then run [execute player command "/mirricraft visit survival_end"]
format slot 15 of player with stone named "&fSkyBlock" to close then run [execute player command "/mirricraft visit skyblock"]
format slot 24 of player with chiseled quartz block named "&fCreative" to close then run [execute player command "/mirricraft visit creative"]
format slot 36 of player with arrow named "&fBack" to close then run [execute player command "/mirricraft"]
format slot 40 of player with ender eye named "&fRandom" to close then run [execute player command "/mirricraft visit random"]
format slot 44 of player with nether star named "&fHUB" to close then run [execute player command "/mirricraft visit hub"]
if arg-2 is "hub":
message "&7[&2MIRRICRAFT&7]&r Visit Teleporting to HUB"
make player execute command "/mv tp hub"
if arg-2 is "survival":
message "&7[&2MIRRICRAFT&7]&r Visit Teleporting to Survival"
make player execute command "/mv tp survival"
if arg-2 is "survival_resources":
message "&7[&2MIRRICRAFT&7]&r Visit Teleporting to Survival Resources"
make player execute command "/mv tp survival_resources"
if arg-2 is "survival_nether":
message "&7[&2MIRRICRAFT&7]&r Visit Teleporting to Survival Nether"
make player execute command "/mv tp survival_nether"
if arg-2 is "survival_end":
message "&7[&2MIRRICRAFT&7]&r Visit Teleporting to Survival End"
make player execute command "/mv tp survival_end"
if arg-2 is "creative":
message "&7[&2MIRRICRAFT&7]&r Visit Teleporting to Creative"
make player execute command "/mv tp creative"
else if arg-2 is "skyblock":
message "&7[&2MIRRICRAFT&7]&r Visit Teleporting to SkyBlock Lobby"
make player execute command "/mv tp skyblock"
else if arg-2 is "random":
message "&7[&2MIRRICRAFT&7]&r Visit Going into random place in this map"
make player execute command "/rtp"
make player execute command "/mirricraft visit"
make player execute command "/mirricraft"
else if arg-1 is "kits":
if player have permission "mirricraft.kits":
message "&7[&2MIRRICRAFT&7]&r Kits - Starting Gui"
wait 2 tick
open chest inventory with 4 row named "MirriCraft - Kits" to player
wait 1 tick
loop integers between 0 and 35:
format slot loop-integer of player with gray stained glass pane named "&7" to be unstealable
format slot 11 of player with wooden pickaxe named "&fBasic" to close then run [execute player command "/kit basic"]
format slot 15 of player with golden shovel named "&fProtect" to close then run [execute player command "/kit protect"]
format slot 27 of player with arrow named "&fBack" to close then run [execute player command "/mirricraft"]
make player execute command "/mirricraft"
else if arg-1 is "admin":
if player have permission "mirricraft.admin":
if arg-2 is not set:
message "&7[&2MIRRICRAFT&7]&r Admin - Starting Gui"
wait 2 tick
open chest inventory with 4 row named "MirriCraft - Admin (maintenance)" to player
wait 1 tick
loop integers between 0 and 35:
format slot loop-integer of player with gray stained glass pane named "&7" to be unstealable
format slot 11 of player with paper named "&fGrief History" to close then run [execute player command "/mirricraft admin griefhistory"]
format slot 13 of player with ender eye named "&fVanish" to close then run [execute player command "/mirricraft admin vanish"]
format slot 27 of player with arrow named "&fBack" to close then run [execute player command "/mirricraft"]
format slot 35 of player with hopper named "&fReload" to close then run [execute player command "/mirricraft admin reload"]
if arg-2 is "griefhistory":
make player execute command "/co inspect"
if arg-2 is "vanish":
make player execute command "/vanish"
if arg-2 is "reload":
make player execute command "/mirricraft reload"
wait 10 ticks
make player execute command "/mirricraft"
make player execute command "/mirricraft admin"
make player execute command "/mirricraft"
else if arg-1 is "vip":
if player have permission "mirricraft.vip":
if arg-2 is not set:
message "&7[&2MIRRICRAFT&7]&r VIP - Starting Gui"
wait 2 tick
open chest inventory with 4 row named "MirriCraft - VIP" to player
wait 1 tick
loop integers between 0 and 35:
format slot loop-integer of player with gray stained glass pane named "&7" to be unstealable
format slot 10 of player with white standing banner named "&fBannerBuilder" to close then run [execute player command "/mirricraft vip bannerbuilder"]
format slot 12 of player with ender chest named "&fCosmetics" to close then run [execute player command "/mirricraft vip cosmetics"]
format slot 14 of player with elytra named "&fFly" to close then run [execute player command "/mirricraft vip fly"]
format slot 16 of player with music disc cat named "&fMusic" to close then run [execute player command "/mirricraft vip music"]
format slot 20 of player with grass block named "&fWorld" to close then run [execute player command "/mirricraft vip world"]
format slot 27 of player with arrow named "&fBack" to close then run [execute player command "/mirricraft"]
if arg-2 is "music":
message "&7[&2MIRRICRAFT&7]&r VIP Open Music Menu"
wait 2 tick
make player execute command "/music"
else if arg-2 is "bannerbuilder":
message "&7[&2MIRRICRAFT&7]&r VIP Open BannerBuilder Menu"
wait 2 tick
make player execute command "/bannerbuilder"
else if arg-2 is "cosmetics":
message "&7[&2MIRRICRAFT&7]&r VIP Open Cosmetics Menu"
wait 2 tick
make player execute command "/uc menu main"
else if arg-2 is "fly":
message "&7[&2MIRRICRAFT&7]&r VIP Toggling Fly"
wait 2 tick
make player execute command "/fly"
else if arg-2 is "world":
message "&7[&2MIRRICRAFT&7]&r VIP Teleporting to special world"
make player execute command "/mv tp vip"
make player execute command "/mirricraft vip"
make player execute command "/mirricraft"
else if arg-1 is "item":
message "&7[&2MIRRICRAFT&7]&r ..."
set slot 8 of player's inventory to 1 of ender chest named "&fMirriCraft"
else if arg-1 is "reload":
message "&7[&2MIRRICRAFT&7]&r Reloading..."
make player execute command "/skript reload MirriCraft"
make player execute command "/mirricraft"
command /visit [<text>]:
description: Visit
executable by: players
if arg-1 is not set:
make player execute command "/mirricraft visit"
make player execute command "/mirricraft visit %arg-1%"
command /hub:
description: Visit HUB
executable by: players
make player execute command "/mirricraft visit hub"
# --- MirriCraft Item ---
on join:
make player execute command "/mirricraft item"
on death:
make player execute command "/mirricraft item"
on leftclick holding a ender chest:
if event-item is ender chest named "&fMirriCraft":
make player execute command "/mirricraft"
cancel the event
wait 2 tick
on rightclick holding a ender chest:
if event-item is ender chest named "&fMirriCraft":
make player execute command "/mirricraft"
cancel the event
wait 2 tick
# --- Welcome Message ---
on join:
send player title "MirriCraft" with subtitle "Welcome back, &3%player%!&f Hope you enjoy your stay!" for 5 seconds
# --- World Title ---
on player world change:
if "%event-world%" contains "hub":
send player title "&6HUB" for 5 seconds
else if "%event-world%" contains "survival":
send player title "&6Survival" for 5 seconds
else if "%event-world%" contains "survival_resources":
send player title "&6Survival - Resources" for 5 seconds
else if "%event-world%" contains "survival_nether":
send player title "&6Survival - Nether" for 5 seconds
else if "%event-world%" contains "survival_end":
send player title "&6Survival - End" for 5 seconds
else if "%event-world%" contains "creative":
send player title "&6Creative" for 5 seconds
else if "%event-world%" contains "skyblock":
send player title "&6SkyBlock" for 5 seconds
else if "%event-world%" contains "skyblock_normal":
send player title "&6SkyBlock - Normal" for 5 seconds
else if "%event-world%" contains "skyblock_nether":
send player title "&6SkyBlock - Nether" for 5 seconds
else if "%event-world%" contains "skyblock_end":
send player title "&6SkyBlock - End" for 5 seconds
# --- Iron Door Opener ---
on right click on iron door:
play sound "block.iron_door.open" with volume 1 to the player
toggle event-block
on right click on iron door:
cancel the event
on right click on iron door holding a iron door:
cancel the event
# --- Sign Editor & Duplication Prevention ---
on right click on sign:
if player has permission "mirricraft.admin":
if player can build at event-block:
if player is sneaking:
targeted block is a sign:
loop integers between 1 and 4:
set line loop-integer of targeted block to "Line %loop-integer%"
cancel the event
on right click on sign holding a sign:
cancel the event
# --- Hub Time & Weather ---
at 18:00:
if "%event-world%" contains "hub":
set time to 7:00
on weather change to rain or thunder:
if "%event-world%" contains "hub":
cancel event
# --- Survival Event Block ---
on region enter:
wait 1 tick
if "%event-region%" contains "survival_castle_event_block":
make console execute command "/uf start survival_event_newyear_2019"
make console execute command "/ptime 14000ticks %player%"
make console execute command "/pweather clear %player%"
on region exit:
wait 1 tick
if "%event-region%" contains "survival_castle_event_block":
make console execute command "/ptime reset %player%"
make console execute command "/pweather reset %player%"
# make console execute command "/uf stop survival_event_newyear_2019"
#on death:
# if victim has permission "mirricraft.vip":
# launch creeper firework colored red at victim with duration 1